The ghosts of the speaker and the weapon to defeat them.
One of the main complaints of English students in Brazil is the lack of partners to practice the language. We start taking the course in traditional schools, or on our own, learning basic structures of the language, verb to be, do, does, and so on. We arrive at a period of English acquisition that we have nowhere else to run, that is, we need to practice speaking. And for that, we need people who also want to practice with you.
This need can be solved with private tutors, friends who are also studying, or conversation groups.
There are many obstacles: shyness, judgment of others, insecurity in pronunciation, fear of making mistakes… Anyway, the ghosts are many.
But we’re never going to beat them by running from them. If we really want to evolve in English, we need to expose ourselves, and practice what we are learning. Mistakes will happen constantly, but it is from them that we learn. The errors are diminishing, but we, as natives of the Portuguese language, do not need to be so cruel and demand a perfection that does not exist. He relaxes, he continues to practice, and gradually the pronunciation and grammar errors are diminishing.
Judgment of others? If we were to pay attention to that, we would never leave the house. We humans are under constant judgment and evaluation. That can’t change. What we can change is the importance we give to it. Focus on your message, focus on the subject being discussed, be honest with yourself, who will be able to express yourself clearly and calmly, even if you make mistakes.
If you already study English and have not yet started practicing your speaking, it’s time. Go without haste, calmly, that in a short time, you will see the evolution that only practice can provide.